Monday, 30 August 2021
Fruit and Vegetables
Healthy Fruit and Veges
Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.
1. A fruit is the part of the plant that contains the...
a) Roots b) Flowers
c) Seeds d) Money
2. What are the two different types of fruit?
a) Wet & Dry b) Fleshy & Dry
c) Hard & Soft d) Fleshy & Hard
3. Fruit is an important source of...
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D
4. List 5 examples of “Root Vegetables”
→Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They contain many minerals and vitamins.A fruit is the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds. The skin of a fruit may be thin, tough, or hard. Its insides are often sweet and juicy.
5. True or False: Cucumbers are vegetables
a) True b) False
6. Which of these is NOT in the article a cooking option for vegetables
a) Boiling b) Fried
c) Grilled d) Baked
Friday, 27 August 2021
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Response to text: Overcoming a Disability
Overcoming a Disability
Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.
1. Frida Kahlo is a famous
a) Singer b) Athlete
c) Artist d) Actress
2. John Nash is an American mathematician who won
a) A Gold Medal at the Paralympics b) The Nobel Prize in Physics
c) An Oscar for the movie ‘Beautiful Mind’ d) The Nobel Prize in Economics
3. Stephen Hawking was a famous Scientist who had to communicate using
a) Sign Language b) Singing
c) A Voice Synthesiser d) Text Messaging
4. List 2 facts about Nick Vujicic
→Did you know that he was born with no ams or with no leg
Did you know that he Vujicic was born in 1982 with no limbs. He claims that as a child he suffered ridicule and discrimination, but with time he learned to see his own potential.
5. True or False: Andrea Boccelli became completely blind at the age of 12
a) True b) False
6. Michael J Fox suffers from
a) Paraplegia b) Parkinson’s Disease
c) Schizophrenia d) Muscular Dystrophy
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
About Me
Hi my name is Alarmanda i am 10 years old and i got 5 sister in my family but one of my sister lives in Australia and she is 12 years old and i didn't know i had 5 sister because i Thought that my sister than Australia was my cousin but she was actually my sister and she lives with her parents in Australia. And I call her on the Phone every night and we talk about things like games and about school. And some time about Our friends And we tell suff
When we hang up we play games like Fortnite. and all of the Other games and i like to play with my lil sister. She is 9 years old and me and my sister go to Pt England school. And I like to play with my sister at school. We like to play all of the games we like. And here is one of the games that me and my sister like to is Lisa the warrior and and sometimes games That we make up when we're bored because. And we like to play online games.
And I have Another sister and she is 19 years old. She has no Friends only has friends on fortnite which are all boys and sometimes she plays with and we play games on Fortnite we have fun playing games. Sometimes she gets mad because she Lose. and when we won she gets happy because we won and she is Loud at night because she's playing games with her friends and when everyone is trying to sleep in peace and quiet and sometime i go in her room and i say be Quiet I'm trying to go to sleep. And i said that you are to Loud and i can't sleep
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Response to Text: Disability in the Paralympics
1. What are the six different disability groups in the Paralympics?
→The Paralympic Movement offers sport opportunities for athletes with physical, visual and intellectual impairments and these can be divided into 10 eligible impairment types which must be permanent in nature.
2. What does it mean if a body part is amputated?
→Topic Overview. Amputation is the removal of a body part. This can be done by a doctor in a hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes
3. What disability doesn’t let you have control of your muscles?
→Because of how CP affects the brain, a person might not be able to walk, talk, eat, or move the way most people do. CP affects a person's muscle tone and ability to coordinate body movements. People with CP have trouble controlling their muscles.
4. True or False: Intellectual Disability is when your brain and thoughts struggle in only one way.
→it is true
5. What does it mean to be paralyzed?
→complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the motion or sensation in a part of the body. 2 : loss of the ability to move. 3 : a state of powerlessness or incapacity to act.
6. What does it mean if you have vision impairment?
→Visual impairment is a term experts use to describe any kind of vision loss, whether it's someone who cannot see at all or someone who has partial vision loss. Some people are completely blind, but many others have what's called legal blindness.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
About lockdown
On Tuesday we had a Lockdown. And I was Surprised and sad. And I hate lockdown because That means we can’t go school. And you can’t see your friends. And at home i was just Reading a book and the book was about a girl who lost her dog and she was Crying then she Heard that her dog got run over a car and she was so sad that her dog died then the man got Arrested for running over a dog because he was looking at his phone while driving.
Then the next day I went on my chromebook then I went to my Gmail and my Teacher emailed me and it said go on the School site and join Google meet at 9 a.m. and then 11 a.m. and then 1 p.m. and i said ok then i join the Google meet at 11am and i saw my teacher and my class Meats in google meet and i saw my friends there to and i was happy to see them.Then the teacher was Talking about school stuff and about reading maths and writing.
Then today I joined my teacher and there were Only girls there, then 6 boys Showed up to the Google meeting and some of the people from my class were Still sleeping. Then my teacher said that we have to do our 5 facts about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. And here is one of the facts: Did you know that the New Zealand team consisted of 212 athletes, 112 men and 100 women, across twenty-one sports. And that was one of the Fact. and i Would share another fact. And here is one of the facts. Did you know that Peter Snell is perhaps our most famous Olympian, with three golds in the glamour middle distance track events. And there was another fact about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and today on the google meet.
Then the teacher said that we are going to say goodbye to people and she said that we don’t Leave because she has to remove us from the call then she said goodbye to one of the boy and then she said goodbye to one of the girls and then when everyone was Gone she said goodbye to me and i said goodbye to her and my Teach her name was Miss Lagitupu.
this is my Response to Text
New Zealand Olympic Athletes
Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.
1. How many athletes represented New Zealand in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
a) 197 b) 220
c) 212 d) 32
2. When was Dame Valarie Adams born?
a) 9th October 1984 b) 6th October 1989
c) 6th October 1984 d) 12 November 1993
3. Where did Lisa Carrington grow up?
a) Auckland b) Tauranga
c) Hamilton d) ÅŒhope
4. What events does Lisa Carrington compete in?
→Lisa Carringtons events include the K4 500m, K2 500m and K1.
5. True or False: ‘Tom Wlash was born on 1st March 1992 in Timaru, New Zealand’ ?
a) True b) False
6. Who is Peter Burlings sailing partner?
a) Mr Hughes b) Mr Somerville
c) Blair Tuke d) Steven Adams
7. Describe Peter Burlings sailing career and some of his key highlight events
→ He represents New Zealand in the 49er sailing class. He is considered to be one half of the most successful sailing duos in recent history with Blair Tuke. Peter and Blair won gold at the Rio Olympics by a mammoth 43 points.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Friday, 13 August 2021
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Friday, 6 August 2021
Sekope Kepu visits our school
On Wednesday me and the other classes had a special guest and his name was Sekope Kepu. He is a famous rugby player and he had 2 sons and 1 daughter and they go to Pt England school. He was talking about his career and he started playing at 6 year old. He has played rugby for Australia, NZ, England and France and his culture is Tongan.
Then the whole class watched a video of him playing. then when he get Ready for a game he trains so he can be Ready for his Real games.and he was Born in Australia.and sometime he trains in his Garage Because of Covid 19.and he Used to live on maybury Street when he was little.
his sons name are Izzy and Isaiah.and his Daughter name is faith rose. And then he gives some tips about rugby and training and then some people asked Questions about games and training and other things, then when he finished his story everyone was clapping.and then he had to go because he had to go to training.