
Thursday, 15 October 2020

Te Oro’s Tukutuku panel Questions

 Te Oro’s Tukutuku panel - Questions

Please read the article on here before answering the questions.

1) What does the tukutuku panel present?

 artistic expression of Te Oro's visual identity.

2) Who was the identity created by?

a) Alt Group and Ngāti Pāoa

b) Ngātio Pāoa and Glen Innes Group 

c) Alt Group

d) Ngāti Pāoa

3) Who endorsed the identity of the Tukutuku panel?

a) Ngāti Whatua and Ngātu Pāoa

b) Ngāti Pāoa and Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki

c) Ngāti Whatua and Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki

d) Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki and Alt Group

4) How long did it take to create the Tukutuku panel?

a) 2 years

b) 1 month 

c) 4 months

d) 2 months 

5) What Marae were they based at? 

    Meeting house at Waitangi, Northland & Bay of Islands. By Philip Morton. You are here. Home 


6) Te Roopū Raranga o Tāmaki Makaurau is a collective of what?

 Makaurau is the collective of artists and weavers responsible for creating the tukutuku panel for Te Oro.

7) Who were the weavers involved in the project?

“The Weaver movement is repairing our country's social fabric, which is badly frayed by distrust, division and exclusion. People are quietly working across ...

8) What visually reverberates optically through the pattern?
a) Past and present

b) Present and future 

c) Past and future

d) Just the past

te oro


the art and the spiecal dog


Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Thank you Scott Base

hi thank you for teaching me about antarctica. and i love all of the Animals there in Antarctica. and i wish i could go there. and if i  went there i well be cold. and i like how you talk about penguin. and the other Animals.and have you be cold be for . and thank you for Everything